someOne special
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someOne Special
I grew up in these parts. I have seen it all in this marketplace. Jerusalem is definitely an interesting place to live. But I want to tell you about something that happened recently, right around these parts. It is the story of a man, but not just any man, someone special!
Over the last few years, there has been an increase in the number of people claiming to be the messiah, the savior! They come around, gather a following, eventually make an attempt on some high-ranking Roman officer and end up killed on the spot or worse, crucified later on.
Some of us would even make bets on how long these self-proclaimed messiahs would last before being crushed by Rome. But Jesus was different. For one thing, He did not have the right approach. I mean, He had a different approach from all the other insurrectionists. He did not approach the rich and powerful for support, actually, He spent most of his time with the wrong crowd. The regular people, children, women, tax collectors, people of ill repute, and sinners in general. I even heard that He talked to Samaritans!
This was no way to start a revolution, if that was what He meant to do, He sure was going about it the wrong way. As a matter of fact, not only did He not try to gain the support of those in power, He was often attacked by our religious leaders. Also, as awful, oppressive, and debauched as the Roman government is Jesus never riled the crowd to rebel. Actually, I don’t remember Jesus talking about the evils of the Roman government a single time. I mean, if you want to get a crowd excited and if you want to gain followers all you have to do is talk about how terrible the Romans are.
Jesus seemed more concerned about the weak, the oppressed, and the outcasts. Jesus dedicated His time to healing, to alleviating the suffering of those around Him, He even touched lepers, and wasted His precious time blessing children.
Like I said earlier, Jesus never did anything to gain political or even religious power. It was so odd, He has no material wealth, He did not come from a powerful family, He was from Nazareth! Nazareth! Until I met Him I would have said that nothing good ever came out of Nazareth.
Yet, when He spoke, He spoke with authority. No one dared question Him. A few religious leaders tried to trap Him and to argue with Him, but it was no use, Jesus could not be trapped. It was so refreshing to see a leader who was unafraid, who was original, authentic, and fearless. Yet He was kind, loving, and gentle. I would have never believed that someone like that could lead anyone. How could a lead be meek and mild? I can’t explain it. People followed Him because they loved Him. Because they knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that He loved them.
Not too long ago something unexpected happened. The feast of Passover was approaching and Jesus came to Jerusalem, except this time He came in riding on a donkey. But that’s not the unexpected part, the reaction of the city is what I did not expect. People began to gather and soon a crowd had formed, and most of the crowd took off their cloaks and spread them before Jesus. Others cut palm branches and spread them on the road. Many of them went before Him and others followed Him shouting “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!”
Jesus had not asked for this. His own disciples did not begin this. It all began naturally, like it was the right thing to do. I couldn’t help myself. I joined the crowd too. I left my business because I wanted to greet Jesus and spread my cloak before Him and shout Hosanna! I don’t know exactly what got over me. But it felt so right. I was so happy to be there with the crowd. It felt like my heart was about to burst! I was full of hope, full of joy! Finally, a leader that I could trust. Finally, someOne who was different. He was honest, kind, wise, and trustworthy, and He actually cared about the people. Jesus was a leader that I would gladly follow. For the first time ever in my life, I was ready to take on the Roman army. If Jesus was really the Messiah, and if He was going to lead Israel to glorious victory and rule the world in a kingdom of peace, I was willing to die for that dream.
That was a glorious day! Jesus even went into the temple “and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons. He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you make it a den of robbers.”
That was what we needed, it was what we wanted. Children were singing praises to God, and the religious tried to rebuke Jesus but were powerless. The prophecy was being fulfilled. This was it. I was sure of it, this was the beginning of the revolution!
But at the height of His support and with all the momentum He had picked up Jesus just left for Bethany. I was expecting Him to make His big political move or to get weapons and strike before the Romans had a chance to stop Him.
Surely Jesus was just waiting for word to spread, surely the next day He would make His big move!
But He didn’t.
Jesus never began a revolt against the Romans.
Instead, Jesus had dinner with His disciples. And that was an odd dinner. I heard that He washed the feet of His disciples! I know, weird right? I mean who does that? How was Jesus supposed to lead if He was serving those He was leading?
Sometimes I felt like Jesus was the wisest man that ever lived, other times I wondered if He had any sense. Did He not know that His disciples should have been the ones to wash His feet?
Then He talked about death, and his body being bread, and grape juice being His blood. It was like He stopped making sense. It was around this time that Judas, one of Jesus’ disciples left. I was sitting by my window and saw him run off by himself. I thought it was odd. But that was the beginning of an unexpected turn of events.
It was no secret that Jesus had enemies. Those in power did not like Him. But they could never stop Him because Jesus did nothing wrong, and He was loved by the people. So the Romans and the Jews had nothing on Him. But that did not stop them. Not that fateful night.
Judas had made a deal with “the chief priests, the officers of the temple guard, and the elders,” and betrayed Jesus with a kiss. I mean, I have been betrayed by friends, but being backstabbed by someone who is close enough to you to kiss you is the worst. You never forget that. I can’t imagine how Jesus must have felt.
Jesus’ disciples were ready to fight. But Jesus asked them not to. One of them, probably Peter, that guy is so intense, even struck the servant of the high priest. That servant must have pretty good reflexes since he managed to keep his head. He did lose an ear. But here’s the crazy thing, Jesus healed him! As I said earlier, it’s like Jesus doesn’t know how battle works. You don’t win a battle by healing your opponent!
Jesus could be so frustrating. It’s like He refused to do things the way we expect Him to. The way that makes sense. It’s like He is a part of a different kingdom, a backward kingdom. Where you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. A kingdom where the leader serves his followers, and women and children are valued and respected. Jesus was so confusing!
After this Jesus’ disciples dispersed. I mean who can blame them. What were they supposed to do when Jesus refused to fight and simply allows Himself to be taken prisoner. What are they supposed to do when they fight for Jesus but Jesus rebukes them and heals the very ones that were hurt by Jesus’ followers. It was like Jesus was opposed to what His followers were doing, even though His followers were doing it to protect Him. Jesus rebuked Peter who had hurt a man, even though Peter only hurt that man to protect Jesus. It was like Jesus did not need protection from Peter.
If Jesus was able to walk on water, turn water into grape juice, and heal the blind and the lame if He was indeed the Messiah, then why was He not behaving like we expected the Messiah to behave?
How are we supposed to trust Jesus when He does not behave as we expect Him to?
If He was not going to fight, how was He going to establish His kingdom? How would He save those who were being oppressed if he was not going to pick up a sword or let His followers pick up the sword in His defense?
Was Jesus hoping to win by dying?
How would that help anyone?
When I found out that Jesus had been taken, I was worried. But as I heard more details and found out that Jesus had not put up a fight but surrendered peacefully I was angry. I had been so sure that He was the Messiah, that He would be the One to save us and to establish a global kingdom of peace. I was ready to fight and die for Him. But when He was taken without a fight I was confused, I was disappointed, I was angry.
I was angry at Jesus for not doing what He was supposed to do. I should say, for not doing what I expected Him to do. I felt betrayed by Jesus. This was not how it was supposed to happen. I had waited my whole life for the Messiah. The world was so bad, there was so much suffering, so much wickedness, and evil, and Jesus was just going to give up without a fight?
Who was going to overthrow the Romans?
Who was going to lead Israel to victory?
Who was going to fight for us and put an end to our suffering?
I am not proud of this, but I must admit, that my anger gave space to rage, and I said things I should never have said.
At one point Pilate, the Roman prefect (governor) of Judaea, was willing to let Jesus go. But the crowd yelled for Jesus to be crucified. I yelled it too. I’ll regret it to the end of my life, but I did. All because Jesus did not behave like I had expected Him to. When Jesus failed to live up to my expectations I stopped believing in Him, not only that I began to hate Him, and I wanted Him dead.
I hate to admit it. But because of my personal pain, I felt abandoned by God. I felt betrayed by Jesus, and I wanted Him dead. I wanted God dead. If God was not going to save us from the Romans. If God was not going to put an end to the suffering then I did not want anything to do with God. If God was not going to start a physical and violent revolution, then I didn’t want any part of it.
Jesus was crucified. Just like we had asked. The crowd that earlier had shouted Hosannah now shouted crucify Him.
At that moment, seeing Jesus on the cross, and noticing how dark it got, as if nature itself covered its face in mourning, I realized what was happening.
Suddenly I remember the words John the Baptist had spoken concerning Jesus.
Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
It hit me. I finally got it. The sacrifices that I grew up offering. The innocent lamb had to die because of my sins.
Jesus was not dying on the cross because He was afraid to act, not because He was powerless, not because He was guilty, not because He was afraid or unable to fight and win, but because someOne had to die in my place, for my sins.
God had sent His Son to die in my place.
The God that I had cursed, the Jesus that I had shouted to be crucified, loved me far more than I could ever love Him. Loved me far more than I had ever loved anyone or anything in my entire life.
Here I was a nobody. Angry God for not saving me, all the while God was sacrificing His all for me. Jesus laid down His life, for me.
God sent His son, for me.
I got to my knees at that point, and I cried. The whole world, all of nature seemed to mourn the death of Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Jesus had lived a perfect life, a life of service and love. And I had turned my back on Him in His greatest hour of need.
That Sabbath was one of deep reflection. I confessed my sins and reconsecrated my life to God. Jesus may have been crucified, but I was alive and I wanted to live for God. I knew I was not Jesus, but I wanted to live as He did. I wanted to help alleviate the suffering of those around me, to the best of my abilities.
The next day unbelievable news began to circulate all over Jerusalem. Nobody could believe it, but as we went to the tomb where Jesus had been laid to rest we saw that it was empty!
Death could not hold Jesus.
Jesus was alive!
It was hard to believe at first, but eventually, I got a chance to Him with my own eyes. I knew it was Jesus because He had the scars of the nails on His hands. I saw Jesus rising up and being covered by the clouds. But that was not the end of it. After Jesus was caught up in the clouds and we could not see Him anymore there were these two men wearing the whitest clothes I have ever seen in my life, and they told us that Jesus would come again, the same way we saw Him go up!
I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait for Jesus to come again.
I don’t know when He will come, but I will be waiting for Him every day, and as I wait I will continue to tell everyone His story and live my life like He lived His, helping others.
What about you?
Do you want Jesus to come again soon?
Do you want to follow Him as well?
We can talk to Him right now, I’ll show you how.
If you want to follow Him and accept His sacrifice for you. If you want to be ready when He comes again we can pray to Him together.
“Dear Jesus, thank you so much for your infinite love and your great sacrifice. We want to invite you into our hearts. Please forgive our sins. Please save us. And Lord, as we wait for your soon return, please cause us to live our lives as you lived yours.”
We love you Jesus,
If you would like to learn more about Jesus just reach out to me. I would love to teach you all that I know.